There’s a reason for speed limits—they keep everyone safe!
Speeding is the leading cause of fatal crashes in Alabama.
2023 Alabama Crash Facts
of all speeding-related traffic fatalities on American roads in 2022 occurred on non-interstate roadways
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration / exploredot.gov
It’s a fact that speeding increases the risk of crashes and injuries. So, follow the speed limit and keep everyone safe!
Alabama’s speed law says you should never drive faster than what’s safe for the current conditions. Always consider the road, the weather, your car, and how you’re feeling. What’s a safe speed one moment might not be the next.
What you can do
STICK TO THE SPEED LIMIT but adjust for the conditions around you.
DON’T DRIVE TOO SLOWLY, EITHER! Going too slow can be just as dangerous, especially when it blocks traffic.
BE READY TO STOP when approaching intersections, railroad crossings, or when you see road signs like flags or flares. These situations require extra caution.
Speeding Video Gallery
Alabama has a Code of the Road, and knowing it helps you follow it.