Drive Safe Alabama

Railway Safety

The train wins every time. Don't drive through gates or lights.

Railway Safety

In 2013, highway-rail incidents and trespassing fatalities increased compared to the past three years, according to the Federal Railroad Administration. Half of all railway crashes occur within a five-mile radius of your home. And most fatalities associated with trains are avoidable.

If you see a train approaching, wait for it to pass before crossing the tracks. Never drive around lowered gates – it’s illegal and deadly.

View our outdoor campaign “The Train Wins Every Time”

Listen to our 15 Second Radio Spot “Beat”

Listen to our 30 Second Radio Spot “Beat”

Listen to our 60 Second Radio Spot “Beat”

View our 15 Second TV Spot "Chicken"

View our 30 Second TV Spot "Chicken"

What you can do!

Don't cross the tracks. Any approaching train is always closer, moving faster, than you think.

Stay alert around railroad tracks. No texting, headphones or other distractions that would prevent you from hearing an approaching train.

Never walk on tracks. It is illegal trespass and highly dangerous.